Take a Seat: The Series 7 Chair
As an organization that prides itself on building strong foundations, how much do we covet the elegant sturdiness of the inimitable Series 7 Chair? (A lot, that’s how much.) Designed by Arne Jacobsen for Fritz Hanson and unveiled in Helsingborg, Swed...
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Extraordinary is: A promise to our homeowners
First and foremost, extraordinary is a promise to our homeowners. Rooted in our history of strong, smart partnerships with suppliers and investors, extraordinary is a bold statement of what they can expect. It can be big or small, an experience or an...
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Setting the Foundation for Austin: The team behind 44 East Ave
At Intracorp, partnerships live at the heart of everything we do. We’ve been dedicated to the people we work with and for, for decades. And we’ve found time and again that a strong team is the best foundation we can set for each of our projects.
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A quick Q and A with Tony Kaleel, EVP Business Development: When it comes to building foundations, we know, Real Estate is local
We sat down with Tony Kaleel to get to the bottom of what we mean when we say, “real estate is local”. And boy, does he nail it.
What is your position with Intracorp?
I’m the Executive Vice President of Business Development and I’m based in Vancouve...
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Foundations First: Building from the ground up
We are in the foundations business: Be it building community, or as we see it: the foundation of society. Be it contributing philanthropically via our newly established Intracorp Foundation (there’s that word again). Or, be it, quite literally, const...
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