
在過去的四十多年時間中,Intracorp 已經開發了眾多卓越不凡的項目,這些並不僅僅是公司的成就。我們團隊的每一位成員以誠信和專業為Intracorp取得的成功和美譽而做出貢獻。





Joe Houssian與合夥人成立了Intrawest公司。公司初期側重在溫哥華市區開發項目,這也是此後40多年構建卓越不凡居所的起點。



在獲得初期成功之後,Joe Houssian和商業夥伴們收購了Blackcomb Mountain。在其全盛時期, Intrawest僱傭了超過25,000名員工,並取得每年超過16億收入的傲人佳績。



Intrawest將業務擴展至西雅圖,並在美國首次興建高層公寓大廈,這就是位於華盛頓州西雅圖市的”Arbor Place“,為日後在西雅圖地區開發30多幢建築大廈奠定了扎實的基礎。



Intrawest在西雅圖地區開發了包括位於Bellevue市的”Park Highland“項目在內的8個租賃地產項目,在滿足市場需求的同時增加了公司項目的多樣性。這一策略逐漸成為經營方針中不可或缺的一部分。






Intracorp在美國南加州設立分佈,並于2001年推出了第一幢公寓大厦“235 on Market”。至今Intracorp已在南加州開發了32個社區項目,成為該區域最大的公寓大廈開發商之一。





INTRACORP 溫哥華西區開發項目

Intracorp 在卑詩省哥倫比亞大學校區開發了”Chancellor House“項目。這是 Intracorp對於溫哥華西區重點開發的起點。截至目前,Intracorp已在該區域開發17個社區項目共計1,389個住宅單位,成為該區域最傑出的開發商。



Intracorp在美國舊金山打造了第一個高層公寓住宅社區 “The Hayes” ,提供了111套住宅單位。緊隨其後又推出269套住宅單位的”Arterra“,使得Intracorp在舊金山名聲大震。



Joe Houssian(Intracorp)與兩家美國龍頭私募公司合作,從英國母公司Taylor Wimpery以9.55億美金收購Taylor Morrison。2013年,Taylor Morrison Housing Corporation (TMHC) 在紐約證券交易所上市。總部位於多倫多的加拿大子公司Monarch Homes在2014年被當地公司所收購。2017年,TMHC交易額高達30億美金。2018年Intracorp通過公開市場股票發行的形式出售了TMHC的股權。



Intracorp與 MOD Developments以及Tricon Capital攜手合作,開發了位於Toronto市中心的”Massey Tower“項目。這一棟60層混凝土建築與1905年的歷史建築Heritage Bank of Commerce 及著名Massey Hall無縫接軌,完美融合,屹立在多倫多市中心Yonge和Queen大街上。



Intracorp開始着重開發城市公共交通樞紐區域的項目,在溫哥華南面門戶Marine Gateway推出”MC²“項目。作為Intracorp目前打造的最大住宅項目,”MC²“兩幢大廈提供了556套住宅單位,項目內Douglas Coupland黃金樹的雕塑藝術品也成為該社區的焦點。







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Joe Houssian


Executive +

Joe began his career at Xerox in 1973 and then founded Intrawest in 1976. Intrawest grew from an urban residential real estate business into an internationally renowned resort and real estate development company responsible for the success of such pre-eminent ski resorts as Whistler Blackcomb. Intrawest grew rapidly to 25,000 people with resort and hospitality entities around the world. In 1990, Intrawest became a public company and was sold in 2006 for US $2.8B.

In 1994, Mr. Houssian acquired the urban development business from Intrawest to create Intracorp Developments. Intracorp currently develops real estate in six urban regions in North America, and has delivered more than 22,000 homes in 176 communities. In 2008, Mr. Houssian founded Replay Resorts, an integrated hospitality company and Elemental Energy, an alternative energy development company with operations in the USA and Canada

Mr. Houssian is also a partner and director in a number of other companies in various industries in the USA and Canada.

Don Forsgren


Executive +

Don Forsgren provides overall strategic and business leadership to all aspects of the Intracorp organization. As President & CEO of North America, Don oversees the planning and direction of Intracorp’s operations and is ultimately responsible for ensuring Intracorp meets the goal of Building the Extraordinary at every interaction with Government, Partners, Suppliers, Employees, and Homeowners.

Don joined Intracorp in 1994 holding various positions within the organization, and assumed leadership of the Canadian operations in 2000 where Don has lead the development of more than $4 Billion of real estate across 60 communities and 8,000 homes.

Former Chairman of the Urban Development Institute, Don is active on several community development committees and is deeply interested in building better cities. Don is also active with Covenant House Vancouver and Saint Georges School. Outside of work, Don enjoys spending time with his family and friends; you can often find him with both either on the ski slopes or traveling the world over.

Dan Miller


Executive +

Dan Miller is responsible for managing capital markets and financing relationships for Intracorp's US real estate portfolio of businesses. Since joining Intracorp in 2005, Dan has secured financing of in-excess of $1.0B for Intracorp projects.

In his spare time, Dan serves on the Bellevue West Little League Board. Outside of the office, you can often find Dan spending time with his family, skiing or reading.

Mark Tingstad


Executive +

Mark Tingstad is responsible for overseeing Intracorp's financial, treasury, and cash management functions for all entities within the broad Intracorp group of companies. Mark also directs Intracorp's U.S. and Canadian tax function including compliance, structuring, and planning. Since joining Intracorp in December 2004, Mark has overseen the evolution of the Company's business which includes over 120 entities from real estate development, real estate investment, resort development, and private equity holdings. Mark received his Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and a Masters in Taxation from Arizona State University. Mark is a licensed CPA and a member of the Washington Society of CPAs.

Outside of Intracorp, Mark enjoys spending time with his family (his wife Lisa and their three children), hiking, and attending sporting events.

Brent Harrison


Executive +

Brent Harrison is responsible for implementing capital markets initiatives and further expanding investments within the southern region divisions of Intracorp. Prior to joining Intracorp, Brent was involved in the capitalization and management of over $2B of ground up residential developments on the West Coast of the US Brent received his Bachelor's degree from Stephen F. Austin State University with a major in Finance, and is a licensed real estate broker in California.

Brent grew up in Texas but has spent his professional career in California. Outside of Intracorp, Brent enjoys spending time with his family (wife Greta and their two children), in the great outdoors, either on the water, on a golf course or attending children’s activities.


Management - Vancouver


Evan Allegretto


Management - Vancouver +

Evan Allegretto is responsible for managing the success of Intracorp’s projects by overseeing project feasibility, product development and execution. Evan leads the management of all development and project management for Intracorp in Canada. In his role, he also leads community engagement, municipal negotiations and approvals and plays a key role in acquisitions and pre-development reviews. Evan is also a member of the Canadian Investment Committee, tasked to make smart investment decisions on behalf of Intracorp.

Evan previously held committee board positions for the Urban Development Institute, is a past board member for the Burnaby Neighbourhood House, and is currently an industry liaison for municipalities across Greater Vancouver. Outside of work, Evan enjoys spending time with his family, skiing, golfing and playing hockey.

Farouk Babul


Management - Vancouver +

As Vice President of Development, Farouk leads the execution of our project portfolio in Vancouver. He oversees the development team and manages a portfolio of condominium, rental and seniors housing communities. His role is collaborative and cross-functional with all internal departments, partners, consultants and the city. With over 15 years of broad-based real estate experience on complex, mixed-use and multi-phased projects, Farouk brings a depth of knowledge to the organization.

Outside of work, he enjoys spending time with his family and travelling.

Mandy Hoeltgen


Management - Vancouver +

As VP, Marketing, Mandy is responsible for all corporate brand initiatives across North America working to ensure Intracorps well founded brand is consistent across all regions.

In addition, Mandy leads the project marketing team for Intracorp in B.C. and Austin. This includes the development and implementation of all creative marketing strategies that increase awareness of our extraordinary projects, while reinforcing each project’s unique vision. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her family and traveling.

Bantoo Minhas


Management - Vancouver +

Bantoo Minhas oversees the full construction life cycle of mixed use projects, from conceptual design to warranty servicing. He has over 20 years of experience in the industry working with general contractors, consultants, and developers in various capacities across Canada including projects in Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto.
Bantoo is a graduate from UBC with a degree in Civil Engineering and is a registered professional engineer in British Columbia. In his free time, he enjoys sailing with his wife, playing in local sports leagues, and traveling.

Edmund Siqueira


Management - Vancouver +

Edmund Siqueira leads Intracorp’s Construction Department in Vancouver. In this role, Edmund works closely with all departments to build each project efficiently and appropriately for the intended planned use. As a leader who can leverage his 25 years of experience in design, development and construction in both Canada and the US, Edmund is trusted to ensure our projects meet and exceed the expectations of our homeowners.
A graduate of UBC with a degree in Civil (Structural) Engineering, Edmund is also a registered Profes-sional Engineer in BC, and a LEED Accredited Professional in the US.

A long-time resident of Richmond, outside of the office, Edmund appreciates spending time with his family and stays active by skiing, mountain biking, and hockey. He and his wife enjoy traveling to sunny and warm destinations where they can take in the culture, people and local cuisine.

Cecilia Zhao


Management - Vancouver +

Cecilia Zhao is responsible for overseeing capital markets efforts for Intracorp’s project portfolio in B.C. She leads the capital markets team in Vancouver, and manages the underwriting, sourcing and closing of financings and partnerships. She has over 15 years of M&A and project finance experience in real estate, infrastructure, construction and mining industries.

Cecilia received her Bachelor of Commerce degree in Finance from the University of British Columbia and is a CFA charterholder. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her family, playing tennis and travelling.

Brad Perozzi


Management - Vancouver +

Brad Perozzi leads Intracorp’s Southern California business, based out of Newport Beach. Joining Intracorp in 2017 as President of Southern California, Brad is responsible for overall business strategy for the region and participates in the executive leadership for the Pacific Northwest Region. In addition, Brad manages a strong team of construction, marketing and finance professionals, overseeing a development pipeline which includes for-sale and rental multifamily property development.

Brad is a graduate of Arizona State University with a Bachelor of Science in Economics. He also received his Masters of Real Estate Development degree from the University of Southern California.
Outside of the office, Brad is an avid sportsman. He enjoys skiing and playing golf himself, and can often be found cheering his children on from the sidelines.

Management - Newport Beach

Newport Beach

Paul Bottge


Management - Newport Beach +

Paul Bottge oversees acquisitions and investment sales activity including land and buildings for Intracorp in the Pacific Northwest. Joining Intracorp in 1999, first as a Financial Analyst, and with over 20 years real estate experience, Paul has a robust combination of internal and external data sources, analytical tools, professional contacts and relationships that are fundamental to identifying and implementing successful real estate investment and sales strategies.

Having grown up in Alaska, Paul is at home in the outdoors. He now spends most of his off-hours with his three kids and enjoying the Pacific Northwest wilderness with the Seattle Mountaineers.

Andrew Digby


Management - Newport Beach +

Andrew is responsible for delivering an extraordinary Homeowner experience to all of Intracorp’s Southern California Homeowners. When joining the team in 2005, Andrew was tasked with building the customer service department, which has resulted in a 15-person strong service team that has successfully closed over 2,000 homes in Southern California and Hawaii.

Outside of work, Andrew is an active sportsman; playing soccer, tennis, water and snow sports and, when time permits, still races his motorcycles with friends and a local Vet club.

Jessica Fabricant


Management - Newport Beach +

As VP, Marketing, Jessica is responsible for the vision and achievement of Intracorp Southern California’s regional marketing initiatives, encompassing for-sale and for-lease properties. Jessica brings to the table over 35 years of diverse real estate experience, including marketing, project management, landscape architecture, interior design, and design center operations, and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Landscape Architecture from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Her passion for design and creativity are reflective of her unique work experiences.

Joe Francis


Management - Newport Beach +

Joe Francis oversees the comprehensive construction life cycle of the multifamily developments, from conceptual design, constructability, budgets, construction and turnover to operations. He has over 25 years’ experience in the industry working with general contractors, consultants, and developers in various capacities. Joe is a graduate from The University of Southern California and is involved with the Building Industry Association and Urban Land Institute.

Outside if the office, Joe enjoys a round of golf, fly fishing and spending as much time as possible with his son.

Christopher Pierson


Management - Newport Beach +

Christopher Pierson is responsible for sourcing, analyzing, and closing on new real estate development opportunities within the Southern California market. Christopher has almost 20 years of real estate experience across the US focused in land development, homebuilding, and private equity sectors. Christopher is a graduate of the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business and a licensed real estate broker. In his free time, he enjoys surfing, mountain biking, and spending time with his wife and three daughters.

Outside of Intracorp, Jared is actively involved with Olive Crest, acting as a mentor to young men, as well as Friends Church in Yorba Linda assisting in Men’s and Married Life mentoring. Jared, with his wife Lynda, enjoy spending time outdoors bird watching and are members of both Sea & Sage Audubon Society in Irvine and Pasadena Audubon Society.

Rick Puffer


Management - Newport Beach +

Rick Puffer provides project development leadership on residential for-sale infill and mixed-use projects in the Southern California market. Rick holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Construction Management & Business from the Brigham Young University.

During his free-time, Rick enjoys spending time with family, playing basketball, running, and supporting his kid’s sports and dance interests.

Brad Stein


Management - Newport Beach +

Brad Stein leads Intracorp’s Texas region, operating out of Austin, Texas. With Brad’s experience he is responsible for building and leading a multi-functional local team in this new market to develop extraordinary properties. Brad will oversee Austin’s business growth through his wide ranging network of industry, community and business contacts. As our market leader Brad is well versed in real estate deal making and joint venture partnerships.
Prior to joining Intracorp, as an executive with Forestar Group Inc. Brad managed Forestar’s real estate assets through investment and development of mixed use communities in Texas and other markets. Previously, Brad practiced as a real estate attorney in private practice and as in-house counsel for publicly traded companies.

Management - Seattle


Lori Curtis


Management - Seattle +

Lori Curtis is responsible for the achievement of Intracorp’s Pacific Northwest regional sales and leasing goals. Lori brings over 25 years of experience in new construction in the Puget Sound including sales management, marketing, design, and project management to Intracorp. She is passionate about creating extraordinary experiences for those seeing and living in our communities. Lori received her bachelor’s degree in business administration from Whittier College.

Jim Donahoe


Management - Seattle +

As Vice President of Construction, Jim leverages his 25-years of experience to oversee all of the Seattle market for sale and for rent product types. Jim enjoys working with and mentoring the great people of Intracorp sharing the passion to be the best at what we do.

In his spare time, Jim enjoys his family and caring for the gentlemen’s farm with pigs, ducks, chickens and of course dogs and cats….with this never a time goes by a construction project is not needed.

John Allen


Management - Seattle +

John Allen is Vice President of Construction in the Southern California Region, based in the Newport Beach office. John directs and oversees Construction operations for multifamily and single-family homes for the division. John Allen has over 25 years’ experience. John has been successful in the development and construction of large master planned communities, as well as in-fill and redevelopment projects in a large geographical area.
In his spare time, John enjoys spending time with his family, fishing, boating and various water activities as well as rebuilding vintage automobiles.

Management - Austin


William Sayers


Management - Austin +

William leads Intracorp’s development efforts in Texas, taking future mixed-use and residential communities from acquisition through disposition. During the infancy of Intracorp’s Austin office, he was responsible for developing the company’s mid-rise business plan and establishing a pipeline of urban, mid-rise residential developments.

William is a native Austinite and earned a Bachelor Degree in Finance from the University of Georgia. He is a member and contributor of Urban Land Institute Austin and Real Estate Council of Austin. Outside of work, William enjoys time with his family, hanging outdoors, good music, food and football.


Management - Austin +