
在 Intracorp,我們所做的每一件事和建造的房屋都是以人為本。我們重視夥伴關係,並深信與我們秉持同樣理念的合作夥伴能讓我們超越優秀,實現卓越不凡。

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Capital Partners

At Intracorp, we take pride in building strong relationships with our partners, investors, and lenders, based on integrity, expertise, and a solid financial reputation.

Since the early 1990s, we have partnered with hundreds of investors and successfully invested more than $1 billion on behalf of leading global institutions, real estate investors, family offices and high net-worth individuals. We have built strong relationships, totaling more than $3 billion in lending commitments, with major financial institutions seeking construction-lending opportunities with stable, experienced sponsors in our target markets.

Partner with Us


Every extraordinary community begins with the right plot of land. With a focus on urban locations, we see our landowners as valued partners in the development process and are committed to maximizing land usage and value. We have deep-rooted financial relationships, are well-capitalized and have great success ensuring deals happen.

Let's Talk

A Word From Our Partners

Let's Talk

Director, Acquisitions

discuss an opportunity

Acquisitions Manager

discuss an opportunity

Vice President of Acquisitions

discuss an opportunity

Director of Acquisitions

discuss an opportunity


Are you a land owner looking to unlock the value of your property? Get in touch to find out how a partnership with Intracorp can work for you.