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Given the health-conscious attitude of most Vancouverites, it’s hardly surprising vegetarian restaurants flourish around town and especially in the West End. In a city sometimes starved for good food from south of the border Lucha Verde is an anomaly—a Mexican style restaurant that fulfills the pickiest vegetarian requirements and still garners outstanding reviews from local foodies and visitors alike. This is no mean feat, when you remember that beef, pork, chicken and even seafood are the standard fare found in most Tex-Mex restaurants.

But Lucha Verde is certainly not all just rice, beans and corn, either. Meat “substitutes” include deep fried squash and barbecued jackfruit. There are even decadent items on the menu, such as “deep fried cheese tacos” which is supposed to mimic the taste of fish.

Lucha Verde succeeds because of ambiance as much as for the culinary experience. Bench seating along the walls encourages interaction between tables, and their regular bartender serves up knock-out cocktails that will have you dialing for a cab in no time. And get your camera phones out when the dishes (actually, foil plates) are plopped down in front of you, as with the tacos themselves, you’ll definitely want to ‘share’ the experience with your friends.

Address: 1326 Davie Street, Vancouver