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Intracorp’s mission to “Build The Extraordinary” sets a high bar, and we task our teams with exploring how to build extraordinary homes time and again. The idea of “extraordinary” is also a moving target. While there’s comfort in doing what you know, discovering new ways to deliver on this promise is a challenge… albeit an exciting one.

Especially today, when change is the only constant, nothing extraordinary is achieved by doing the same thing over and over. We’ve found that it is achieved by seeking out new opportunities and adapting to new circumstances, all while applying our years of experience to them. The opportunities lie in applying what we already know to new situations, asking the right questions – and most importantly, partnering with the right people along the way.

Intracorp’s 40+ years of experience and expertise gives us the unique ability to explore new opportunities quickly. It gives us the confidence to enter new markets, gain the trust of new partners, and allows us to explore new product types that ultimately lead to the best product being built for each market we’re in.

This Spring Issue of Extra sheds light on a few of the new opportunities we’ve embraced recently, including two new partnerships that will deliver housing types that are new to us (seniors living and hotel residences), entering a new neighborhood in California and starting a new City Home Division in Seattle!

I hope you enjoy learning about our exciting new projects.


Don Forsgren, CEO


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