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Not only does Spring bring more daylight and warmer weather, but it’s our annual reminder that home maintenance checks and a spring cleaning are in order. Our homes have been working overtime this past year taking care of us in ways they haven’t before. Spring is a great time to show them some love back. Check out some tips from our homeowner care team on how to ensure your home is ready for the change in seasons.

See the tips from our homeowner care team here.

And, follow along as Gillian Segal (Gillian Segal Designs) walks us through her tips and tricks for closet organization at our Telford on the Walk homes in Metrotown, BC.  While you’re swapping out winter jackets for trench coats, take a moment to assess if you’re making the best use of your closet space. These tips can be used not matter what size space you’re working with.

Check out the video here:


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