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Let’s get to know our very affable homeowner care manager at Ravenna88, Bill Schoonover from Intracorp’s Seattle office. He will be making sure everything is taken care of in our homeowner’s new homes.

Tell us some fascinating facts about you.

I was born in Augsburg, Germany, my father was in the US Army and my mother is German. I served in the Navy after high school – worked for 8 ½ years in the Nuclear Power program on submarines as an electrician. After the Navy, I went to work for a Ferrari/Lamborghini mechanic and then started working in construction. I have also been working in Customer Care for the last 18 years.

My first job in construction was when I worked for a residential painting crew at age 14. Since then, other than the Navy and a few short-term jobs, I have been in construction related occupation for around 35 years.

As a handyperson, I prefer doing home renovations by myself instead of hiring a professional – I love doing the work and (as a little bit of perfectionist) want it done to my standards. Collecting tools is one of my hobbies as well.

What is Homeowner Care?

Homeowner Care is Intracorp’s commitment to our customers that we will provide courteous, timely service for any issues covered by the warranty included when they purchased their home. I also want to help ease the transition to home ownership for first time home buyers by making information available and providing reminders of scheduled maintenance.

What excites you about Ravenna88 Townhomes?

I like the clean modern design that incorporates high end building techniques like the rain screen building envelope. I also like the planned green spaces to give neighbors a place to meet and hang out.

Any message to our future homeowners at Ravenna88?

Congratulations! You have chosen an extraordinary home in one of the best locations in the Seattle area. I look forward to working with you.


Learn more about the Ravenna88 community here.